April 26, 2014

The Way We Were

I can't help it: the image in the previous post of the cockpit instrumentation (including my iPad) I now take for granted made me go back to my original flying diary to find this image of 12R's panel back when I was learning to fly. Not exactly state of the art even then, but still, a pretty representative Cessna 172 panel from the late 1990's (12R's panel might even still look like this for all I know).

Do I ever look back on this sort of stuff with nostalgia? Not bloody likely. Like the old flying diary itself (which transmogrified into this blog, but still lives on as an extremely old-fashioned and primitive-looking thing if you can find it), I look on it and wonder (but not exactly with wonder)....


Avimentor said...

Returning to Oakland in a DA42 last week, we noticed traffic being displayed on the MFD at our 1 o'clock. As we got closer, we got the aircraft in sight just as Oakland Center gave us a traffic advisory. It was 12R! My wife was with me and we recalled how we had flown 12R to San Diego and back about a dozen years ago. I can't vouch for what 12R's panel looks like now, but she's still flying!

Hamish said...

John -- thanks! I guess I'm not that surprised that 12R's still around -- it always seemed indestructible in its own weird way (it'll probably outlast me :-)). I think I've heard 9UL on air in the last few months as well...